Customized Training and Technical Assistance to Tribes and CACs Serving American Indian/Alaskan Native Children and Youth
WRCAC works in partnership with other national training and technical assistance (TA) providers to offer a variety of training and TA strategies that may include the following: Listen and Learn events (building partnerships), MDT trainings, individualized TA to CACs and/or support to enhance and expand services for developing a CACMDT response to child abuse. These activities may be offered as single opportunities or as a combination of support depending on the needs of tribal communities/CACs.
Targeted Audience
Tribal MDTs and professionals responding to child abuse, developing tribal MDTs and CACs, CACs serving American Indian/Alaskan Native Children and Youth
Training Facilitators
Facilitated by WRCAC Staff in partnership with other national training and technical assistance providers.
Learning Objectives
Objectives for each training customized for the needs of each group.
Contact Patty Terzian at